3 Top Tips for PPC Campaigns this Christmas!

PPC Campaigns Christmas

3 Top Tips for PPC Campaigns this Christmas!

Ok, so we’ve discussed how you can get involved with the rush of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but advertising for the festive season doesn’t stop there. In fact, it’s only just begun! Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year (as the popular festive tune tells us) and it can be really profitable for your business too!

Online shopping has increased year on year with more shoppers than ever favouring the click of a mouse to trawling around the city centre shops in the cold…we can see why!

The simplicity of purchasing online alongside the extensive search and comparison functionalities available mean that hundreds of products are passing through the virtual tills of the world wide web every second of every day – even more so at Christmas time! As such, it’s paramount that YOUR business is seen and stands out amongst the sea of competitors around you this year.

1. Seasonal keywords

Whilst your standard keywords might have worked perfectly well for the rest of the year, consider adding some seasonal keywords to your festive campaign to steal some extra clicks and sales from your competitors who haven’t done so.

Be sure to include keywords such as ‘present’ or ‘gift’ which are more popular around Christmas time.  A great example is that of a novelty toy seller – keywords such as ‘novelty Christmas presents ‘ or ‘novelty stocking gifts’ are likely to be highly relevant and searched for during the festive period in comparison to ‘novelty toys’. Of course do not rule out your standard keywords, but do bear in mind the additional search terms which you should add to your advertising efforts. Keyword research is a must!

2. …and Seasonal Ads!

Make sure that your adverts are relevant to the festive season. It might seem an obvious tip but your ad copy should contain descriptive seasonal words and promotions. We recommend that you write unique ad copy for your festive campaigns, making sure that any attractive Christmas offers are clearly detailed in your ads; it shows that your adverts are current and relevant to their search.
Features like call extensions, sitelinks and review extensions are also a great way to help your ad stand out to and convert holiday shoppers.

3. Utilise Social Media

Facebook is a great platform for paid advertising! The targeting options are highly specific (including demographic data, interests, shopping preferences and much more) which means that you can get really close to your audience. Some key differences between AdWords and Facebook advertising include an often cheaper CPC, and a much more visual advertisement -which is great for showing off your product! Facebook ads can only be 20% text, so you will need to ensure that your advert has appealing visuals to secure a high rate of conversion.  Get festive with your promotions!
These tips should help give your festive campaigns a boost – but don’t forget…shoppers will want to spend their Christmas money too so don’t be too hasty in setting your campaign end date, Boxing Day sales could be the key to additional success!

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